Many African Americans are suffering from Post Slavery Traumatic Stress Disorder
and believe that until the American government takes responsibility for
repairing the damage done to them through their ancestors during slavery they
themselves and their progeny will be handicapped in this competitive
society. I agree and I believe those of
us who are still adversely affected by the egregious treatment of slave masters
should be given special therapy, free
college education, interest free mortgages, and/or monetary remuneration.
I do not believe all African Americans are still victims of
“PSTSD”, however, and I offer the following criteria to analyze those who are.
If the average immigrant (Mexican, Salvadoran, Cuban,
African, South American, German, Russian, etc.) knows more Standard English
than you do, You Need Reparations.
If you do more cursing than you do praying, You Need Reparations.
If you expect to live your whole life and die in debt, You
Need Reparations.
If you think God/Allah
(SWT) is a man, You Need Reparations.
If you think civil law will take precedent over Allah/God’s
law vis a vis abortion (premeditated murder), You Need Reparations.
If you cannot remember the last book you read or one of the
last books you read, You Need
If you teach your children to dance (by your example) but
not to read, You Need Reparations.
If you believe fornicating is “making love”, You Need Reparations.
If you brag around your kids or grandkids about being a fool
in school, You Need Reparations.
If you think you have no responsibility to the poor/homeless,
family members, etc., You Need Reparations.
If you think you can call yourself a N*GG* and not be
negatively affected in any way, You Need
If you think fornication is okay because you are homosexual,
You Need Reparations.
If you think fornication is okay, and you are heterosexual, You Need Reparations.
Until you see divorce is an egregious curse on everyone
involved, You Need Reparations.
If you love God/Allah’s (SWT) prophets more than The Creator
Himself, You Need Reparations.
If you feel superior to others because of your color, You Need Reparations.
If you do not know or care about your genealogy, You Need Reparations.
If you think money is the root of all evil, consciously or
subconsciously, You Need Reparations.
If you think you are a slave (not free), consciously or
subconsciously, You Need Reparations.
If you don’t vote
because you don’t feel like a full fledged American, You Need Reparations.
If you don’t monitor and sometimes censor Hip Hop, Your Kids Are Going to Need Reparations.
If your kids school is rife with profanity, Your Kids Are Going to Need Reparations.
If you think you don’t need God/Allah (SWT), You Need Reparations.
If you think it is okay for our country to commit mass
murder under the guise of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc., You Need Reparations.
If you are not committed to giving charity, You Need Reparations.
If you do not know African American history or Literature
and don’t care, You Need Reparations.
If you are proud to be a N*GG* and/or a felon, You Need Reparations.
If you don’t have children and don’t like them, You Need Reparations.
If your kids are in foster care, their grandparents’ care,
or homeless, You Need Reparations.
If you can’t commit to Love until death do you part and
beyond, You Need Reparations.
If you can’t quit putting curses on your kids, You Need Reparations.
If you still trying to control your spouse or children with
brutality, You Need Reparations.
If you stopped studying when you stop school, You Need Reparations.
If you think Oprah, Tyra, Ellen, Steve Harvey, Shirley
strawberry, or any other unmarried or divorced person is a relationship expert,You Need Reparations.
If you are incarcerated or going to be incarcerated, again,
eventually, You Need Reparations.
If you feel compelled to show you’re a**, You Need Reparations.
If you think b*tch, and/or N*GG* is a term of endearment, You Need Reparations.
If your Social Security card is broke, You Need Reparations.
If you call your mama
by her first name or street name, You
Need Reparations.
If you have tattoos of men/women that you hate, You Need Reparations.
If you are broke and unemployed with no prospects, You Need Reparations.
If you think you can get over in sports or on women or
rapping/singing/dancing, You Need
Reparations and a real job.
If you are still gangbanging or slanging, You
Need Reparations.
If you are still conning God, and lying to yourself, You Need Reparations.
If you don’t believe in saving for a rainy day or a house,
car, college, etc., You Need Reparations.
If you don’t believe you reap what you sow, You Need Reparations.
If you smoke around your kids, You Need Reparations.
If you give your kids alcohol, You and your Kids Need Reparations.
If you hate one or both of your parents, You Need Reparations.
If fornicators and adulterers are your role models, You Need Reparations.
If you don’t think you can work your way to your dreams, You Need Reparations.
If you think God is white consciously or subconsciously, You Need Reparations.
If you fear white authority, even when you did nothing
wrong, You Need Reparations.
If you think what is good to you is good for you, You Need Reparations.
If you love Christmas, but don’t love Christ enough to love
your neighbor, treat people like you want to be treated, or keep the peace You Need Reparations.
If you think you are supposed to be the dumbest, and/or the
most treacherous, and/or the most
dishonest , You Need Reparations.
If you are a b*tch who loves dogs or vice versa, You Need Reparations.
If you can only see illicit sex in your future, You Need Reparations.
If you think Asians are naturally smarter than you or whites
or any other race, You Need Reparations.
If you are grown and still blaming your parents or the
system or whites, You Need Reparations.
If you have given up trying to be a better person, You Need Reparations.
If you have had an abortion, or two, or 20, You Need Reparations.
If you think your body is an ATM, You Need Reparations.
If you can walk past the homeless/helpless without giving or
feeling, You Need Reparations.